Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Character list!

I figured with Noelie's post about characters and Alts, it would be nice to list some, race and class.

Here are mine

The Scryers

Sofiana- My first toon, we haven't played with her for awhile although I kinda like her. I love the hair colors the Night Elves get! She's a hunter, level 11.

Charissa- Blood Elf, Warlock. I play with her sometimes, not sure I like Warlocks yet, I would rather play with my hunters. Level 8

Jodotha- Blood Elf, Paladin. I think she is Sassy. I like playing with her, but it doesn't happen much. Level 11

Araxie- Good thing I named this Hunter that, she is one of my favorites to play with. I have lots of fun with her. Blood Elf, Level 16

Azazia- Dreaenei- Another hunter, what can I say they are comfortable for me to start with so there you go. Level 10 Just got her pet. I like her, just not sure I like the quest line.

Matayas- Collin's Paladin. He has fun with it. Until mom starts getting on his nerves. :)


Richeldis- My first on this relm, Hunter, Blood Elf, Level 15

Shiral- Level 3 druid Night Elf.

Roisian- Rogue my fastest leveling character since this is the one I have been using the most to play with Noelie's paladin. Now 22. Not sure I'm very good at rogue, but I'm trying. Blood Elf

Kyriella- Paladin Blood Elf, I created this one to work with crafting a bit. Made her a leathercrafter to go with some of the skinning I do with Roisian. Level 6

Jerusha- another one I created to do some crafting with. I will probably make her a tailor. I also made her a mage so I could get a taste of something different. I love the power she has, but I'm sure I will need to duo at least in the near future. Very, Very slow to level with all the breaks I have to take between fights. Blood Elf Level 7

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